Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style leaning against a charm-filled school wall. His outfit consists of a crisp, white shirt paired with black suspenders, a plaid red-and-black bow tie affixed at the collar. His hair is a striking mix of silver and blue, styled in an undercut fashion and his eyes are illuminated with a bright yellow color. Complementing his uniform, he is wearing black, high-top combat boots with a touch of grunge. Peeking out from under his rolled shirt sleeve, a charm bracelet dangles on his wrist. 

An anime-styled illustration of a teenage boy leaning against a wall filled with various charms at school. He is clothed in a crisp white shirt paired with black suspenders and a plaid bow tie in red and black hues, tucked neatly at the collar. His hair presents an eye-catching blend of silver and blue, styled in an undercut fashion. His eyes shimmer with a bright yellow color. Along with his uniform, he sports black, high-top combat boots which add a hint of grunge to his overall appearance. A charm bracelet can be seen dangling from his wrist, peeking out under the rolled sleeve of his shirt.

An anime-styled illustration of a teenage boy leaning against a wall filled with various charms at school. He is clothed in a crisp white shirt paired with black suspenders and a plaid bow tie in red and black hues, tucked neatly at the collar. His hair presents an eye-catching blend of silver and blue, styled in an undercut fashion. His eyes shimmer with a bright yellow color. Along with his uniform, he sports black, high-top combat boots which add a hint of grunge to his overall appearance. A charm bracelet can be seen dangling from his wrist, peeking out under the rolled sleeve of his shirt.

Anime Boy In School Uniform Girl: An anime boy drawn in anime art style leaning against a charm-filled school wall. His outfit consists of a crisp, white shirt paired with black suspenders, a plaid red-and-black bow tie affixed at the collar. His hair is a striking mix of silver and blue, styled in an undercut fashion and his eyes are illuminated with a bright yellow color. Complementing his uniform, he is wearing black, high-top combat boots with a touch of grunge. Peeking out from under his rolled shirt sleeve, a charm bracelet dangles on his wrist.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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