Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style sitting in a tranquil botanical garden. Her hair is a stunning silvery white and flows down to her mid-back, adorned with a dainty flower crown. Off-shoulder emerald green lace top paired with a flowy white skirt and brown ankle boots gives her a captivating look. She devours a scoop of tropical fruit ice cream, each bit filling her with joy.

Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style sitting in a tranquil botanical garden. Her hair is a stunning silvery white and flows down to her mid-back, adorned with a dainty flower crown. Off-shoulder emerald green lace top paired with a flowy white skirt and brown ankle boots gives her a captivating look. She devours a scoop of tropical fruit ice cream, each bit filling her with joy.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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