Anime Boy Depressed: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, laying on the roof of a high-rise building, staring at the constellations with a deep sense of loss. He has wispy, light-khaki hair that resembles the hues of the moon, and his royal-blue eyes are filled with a sea of grief. He is seen in a maroon turtle neck sweater matched with baggy beige trousers and past-pale yellow socks. He is barefoot, with his shoes lined beside him. A brown beanie hides most of his hair, giving him a mysterious aura. His wrists are adorned by numerous multi-hued threads, each a painful reminder of his past."

An animated style depiction of a teenage boy, resting on the flat rooftop of a towering city building. His gaze is entranced by constellations, his expression conveying profound sorrow. His hair is wavy and light khaki-colored, mirroring the lunar glow, while his royal blue eyes mirror the deep sorrow of an ocean. He's dressed in a maroon turtle neck sweater, relaxed beige pants and faded yellow socks, with his bare feet prominent and his shoes placed neatly by his side. A brown beanie conceals the majority of his hair, enhancing an air of mystery. His wrists are decorated with various brightly-colored threads, symbols of a painful history.

An animated style depiction of a teenage boy, resting on the flat rooftop of a towering city building. His gaze is entranced by constellations, his expression conveying profound sorrow. His hair is wavy and light khaki-colored, mirroring the lunar glow, while his royal blue eyes mirror the deep sorrow of an ocean. He's dressed in a maroon turtle neck sweater, relaxed beige pants and faded yellow socks, with his bare feet prominent and his shoes placed neatly by his side. A brown beanie conceals the majority of his hair, enhancing an air of mystery. His wrists are decorated with various brightly-colored threads, symbols of a painful history.

Anime Boy Depressed: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, laying on the roof of a high-rise building, staring at the constellations with a deep sense of loss. He has wispy, light-khaki hair that resembles the hues of the moon, and his royal-blue eyes are filled with a sea of grief. He is seen in a maroon turtle neck sweater matched with baggy beige trousers and past-pale yellow socks. He is barefoot, with his shoes lined beside him. A brown beanie hides most of his hair, giving him a mysterious aura. His wrists are adorned by numerous multi-hued threads, each a painful reminder of his past."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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