Anime Boy Type Quiz: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying a cool rebel boy type. This character has spiky jet black hair with streaks of deep blue that match the vibrant cobalt hue of his eyes. He sports a thin, angular face, adorned with a small silver hoop earring on his left ear. He's in an urban street setting, buildings and neon lights creating illuminated patterns over the area, a light drizzle making the ground shine beneath his feet. His outfit comprises of an edgy black leather jacket, fully unzipped to reveal a lacy and intricate patterned white shirt underneath. On his hands, he wears fingerless gloves and on his lower half, he sports ripped denim jeans paired with high-top, black combat boots, streaked with royal blue designs.

An anime-inspired character, depicting a rebellious type of individual. This character has prominent spiky hair, in dark shades, intertwined with deep blue streaks that match the cobalt shade in his eyes. His thin, angular face is embellished with a small silver ring on his left ear. The setting is a bustling, urban street at night, filled with buildings and neon lights casting intricate patterns, under a slight rainfall that glistens on the ground. He's wearing a black leather jacket, unzipped, showcasing an intricately designed white shirt. Fingerless gloves adorn his hands, and ripped jeans complement his high-top combat boots with a touch of royal blue.

An anime-inspired character, depicting a rebellious type of individual. This character has prominent spiky hair, in dark shades, intertwined with deep blue streaks that match the cobalt shade in his eyes. His thin, angular face is embellished with a small silver ring on his left ear. The setting is a bustling, urban street at night, filled with buildings and neon lights casting intricate patterns, under a slight rainfall that glistens on the ground. He's wearing a black leather jacket, unzipped, showcasing an intricately designed white shirt. Fingerless gloves adorn his hands, and ripped jeans complement his high-top combat boots with a touch of royal blue.

Anime Boy Type Quiz: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, portraying a cool rebel boy type. This character has spiky jet black hair with streaks of deep blue that match the vibrant cobalt hue of his eyes. He sports a thin, angular face, adorned with a small silver hoop earring on his left ear. He's in an urban street setting, buildings and neon lights creating illuminated patterns over the area, a light drizzle making the ground shine beneath his feet. His outfit comprises of an edgy black leather jacket, fully unzipped to reveal a lacy and intricate patterned white shirt underneath. On his hands, he wears fingerless gloves and on his lower half, he sports ripped denim jeans paired with high-top, black combat boots, streaked with royal blue designs.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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