Simon Henriksson From Cry Of Fear Game

A character resembling Simon Henriksson from a non-specific horror game, portrayed in the style of line art. This character wears a worn-out hoodie and a pair of jeans, and usually has a gloomy and fearful expression on his face. His hair is unkempt and covers a part of his face. He is shown standing, with a hand in his pocket while the other holds an old, mysterious book. The book is key to the plot of the game, leading the protagonist down a spiraling path of horror and suspense. His surroundings are ambiguously dark, stirring up an atmosphere of anxiety and terror.

A character resembling Simon Henriksson from a non-specific horror game, portrayed in the style of line art. This character wears a worn-out hoodie and a pair of jeans, and usually has a gloomy and fearful expression on his face. His hair is unkempt and covers a part of his face. He is shown standing, with a hand in his pocket while the other holds an old, mysterious book. The book is key to the plot of the game, leading the protagonist down a spiraling path of horror and suspense. His surroundings are ambiguously dark, stirring up an atmosphere of anxiety and terror.

Simon Henriksson From Cry Of Fear Game

Art Style: Line Art
Fanart iOS App Download Button

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