Good light and good quality pixel art a huge starship at ocean and anime girls sitting behind the ship

Create a highly detailed pixel art image bathed in good lighting. The artistic scene presents a massive starship resting upon the ocean's surface. Behind this giant structure, a group of anime girls should be portrayed, all of whom are sitting. Observing the starship with fascination, they convey a sense of wonder and awe. The entire scene, including the girls and the starship, should be rendered exclusively in the meticulous and retro style of pixel art.

Create a highly detailed pixel art image bathed in good lighting. The artistic scene presents a massive starship resting upon the ocean's surface. Behind this giant structure, a group of anime girls should be portrayed, all of whom are sitting. Observing the starship with fascination, they convey a sense of wonder and awe. The entire scene, including the girls and the starship, should be rendered exclusively in the meticulous and retro style of pixel art.

Good light and good quality pixel art a huge starship at ocean and anime girls sitting behind the ship

Art Style: Pixel Art
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