Anime Boy In Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style dressed in a school girl's uniform. The uniform consists of a white blouse with a sailor collar, a red ribbon as a tie, and a blue pleated knee-length skirt. His matching blue calf-length socks are neatly tucked into polished, black loafers. His hair is chestnut brown, styled short with curled bangs having a gentle wave. Eyes are big, almond shaped, with a honey brown color, emitting a warm glow. The backdrop is a bustling school courtyard with students mingling around.'

An anime-style drawing of a youth, his hairstyle characterized by short chestnut brown hair with gently waved and curving bangs. Adorned in a traditional school uniform featuring a white blouse with a sailor collar, a glowing red ribbon tied around his neck as a tie, and a knee-length pleated skirt in a brilliant hue of blue. Neatly packed blue socks reach up to his calves, and are encased in polished black loafers. His large, almond-shaped eyes radiate a warm, honey brown glow that seems to light up his face. The background scene captures the essence of a bustling school courtyard filled with students of Japanese descent of mixed genders, chatting and going about their day.

An anime-style drawing of a youth, his hairstyle characterized by short chestnut brown hair with gently waved and curving bangs. Adorned in a traditional school uniform featuring a white blouse with a sailor collar, a glowing red ribbon tied around his neck as a tie, and a knee-length pleated skirt in a brilliant hue of blue. Neatly packed blue socks reach up to his calves, and are encased in polished black loafers. His large, almond-shaped eyes radiate a warm, honey brown glow that seems to light up his face. The background scene captures the essence of a bustling school courtyard filled with students of Japanese descent of mixed genders, chatting and going about their day.

Anime Boy In Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style dressed in a school girl's uniform. The uniform consists of a white blouse with a sailor collar, a red ribbon as a tie, and a blue pleated knee-length skirt. His matching blue calf-length socks are neatly tucked into polished, black loafers. His hair is chestnut brown, styled short with curled bangs having a gentle wave. Eyes are big, almond shaped, with a honey brown color, emitting a warm glow. The backdrop is a bustling school courtyard with students mingling around.'

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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