Anime Girl Queen: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, imagine a captivating queen standing at the edge of her castle battlements. Her hair is a striking shade of moonlight silver, long and flowing around her like a shimmering river. Her eyes are a mystical shade of blue, hinting at hidden powers beneath her calm demeanor. She is clad in an exquisite gown of gossamer white silk adorned with intricate gold embroidery. A sparkling tiara crowns her head and a royal cape, bejeweled with rubies, trails behind her. Her feet are shod in golden sandals, the laces crisscrossing up her calves."

Anime Girl Queen: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, imagine a captivating queen standing at the edge of her castle battlements. Her hair is a striking shade of moonlight silver, long and flowing around her like a shimmering river. Her eyes are a mystical shade of blue, hinting at hidden powers beneath her calm demeanor. She is clad in an exquisite gown of gossamer white silk adorned with intricate gold embroidery. A sparkling tiara crowns her head and a royal cape, bejeweled with rubies, trails behind her. Her feet are shod in golden sandals, the laces crisscrossing up her calves."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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