The plan is for a residential building, consisting of a ground floor and a first floor, prepared by “Unique Space Designs & HS Builders.” Here are some key details:  	1.	Total Area: 	•	Ground Floor Area: 1,251 square feet 	•	First Floor Area: 887 square feet 	•	Double Height Area: 91 square feet 	•	Total Floor Area: 2,138 square feet 	2.	Layout Overview: 	•	Ground Floor: Features include a sit-out area, living room, dining space, two bedrooms, toilets, a kitchen, and dress areas. The rooms are connected with various sliding windows and doors, with all dimensions provided in centimeters. 	•	First Floor: Contains additional bedrooms, toilets, a living area, balcony, dress spaces, a passage, and access to an open terrace. It also incorporates a double-height space for enhanced vertical openness.

The plan is for a residential building, consisting of a ground floor and a first floor, prepared by “Unique Space Designs & HS Builders.” Here are some key details: 1. Total Area: • Ground Floor Area: 1,251 square feet • First Floor Area: 887 square feet • Double Height Area: 91 square feet • Total Floor Area: 2,138 square feet 2. Layout Overview: • Ground Floor: Features include a sit-out area, living room, dining space, two bedrooms, toilets, a kitchen, and dress areas. The rooms are connected with various sliding windows and doors, with all dimensions provided in centimeters. • First Floor: Contains additional bedrooms, toilets, a living area, balcony, dress spaces, a passage, and access to an open terrace. It also incorporates a double-height space for enhanced vertical openness.

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