Anime Guy Wearing Jacket: Anime boy drawn in anime art style lounging coolly at a bustling music festival. His vibrant pink eyes radiate excitement and cheer. His hair is dyed in different shades of neon green, styled into a Mohawk that syncs with the youthful event. His bomber jacket is pitch-black with neon-colored music notes dancing all over it. He's sporting a lime-green neon tank-top beneath the jacket. His ripped black jeans allow peeks of neon fabric underneath, matching the jacket. His silvery combat boots are dirty, reflecting his active engagement in the festivities."

Anime Guy Wearing Jacket: Anime boy drawn in anime art style lounging coolly at a bustling music festival. His vibrant pink eyes radiate excitement and cheer. His hair is dyed in different shades of neon green, styled into a Mohawk that syncs with the youthful event. His bomber jacket is pitch-black with neon-colored music notes dancing all over it. He's sporting a lime-green neon tank-top beneath the jacket. His ripped black jeans allow peeks of neon fabric underneath, matching the jacket. His silvery combat boots are dirty, reflecting his active engagement in the festivities."

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