Anime Boy In Muzzle: The image to invoke portrays an anime boy dressed in anime art style, muzzled with an elaborate leather device. His ash-grey hair showcases hints of lavender, falling slightly over one of his emerald green eyes. He's clothed in a burgundy military jacket, embroidered with golden patterns, paired with white breeches tucked into polished black riding boots. A tricorne hat made from rich navy velvet sits askew on his head. The setting is a misty dawn on an abandoned ship deck, with only the boy's melancholic gaze lighting up the scene. 

Create an image in anime style showcasing a boy who appears distressed, his mouth confined by an intricate leather muzzle. He has ash-grey hair with subtle lavender undertones that lightly shield one of his vibrant, emerald-green eyes. His attire consists of a burgundy military-style jacket decorated with golden embellishments, and white trousers that neatly tuck into gleaming black riding boots. An askew, rich navy velvet tricorne hat adorns his head. The boy is positioned on the deck of a deserted ship, enveloped by an eerie mist under the faint light of dawn. His intense, sorrowful gaze is the sole source of warmth in the scene.

Create an image in anime style showcasing a boy who appears distressed, his mouth confined by an intricate leather muzzle. He has ash-grey hair with subtle lavender undertones that lightly shield one of his vibrant, emerald-green eyes. His attire consists of a burgundy military-style jacket decorated with golden embellishments, and white trousers that neatly tuck into gleaming black riding boots. An askew, rich navy velvet tricorne hat adorns his head. The boy is positioned on the deck of a deserted ship, enveloped by an eerie mist under the faint light of dawn. His intense, sorrowful gaze is the sole source of warmth in the scene.

Anime Boy In Muzzle: The image to invoke portrays an anime boy dressed in anime art style, muzzled with an elaborate leather device. His ash-grey hair showcases hints of lavender, falling slightly over one of his emerald green eyes. He's clothed in a burgundy military jacket, embroidered with golden patterns, paired with white breeches tucked into polished black riding boots. A tricorne hat made from rich navy velvet sits askew on his head. The setting is a misty dawn on an abandoned ship deck, with only the boy's melancholic gaze lighting up the scene.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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