Anime Girl In Lab Coat: Picture an anime girl drawn in the anime art style, posing as a vivacious model against the backdrop of an astronomical, star-studded lab setting. She's swording a thigh-length tailored lab coat in pristine white, open enough to hint at a sequined, violet crop top underneath. This is paired with high waist, black leather pants that hug and showcase her alluring figure. Her jaw-dropping style extends to her sky-high, white platform boots. Long, silky, chestnut hair flows free on her shoulders. But the true charm is her hypnotic, doe-like, azure eyes that shine brighter than any stars in the background.

Anime Girl In Lab Coat: Picture an anime girl drawn in the anime art style, posing as a vivacious model against the backdrop of an astronomical, star-studded lab setting. She's swording a thigh-length tailored lab coat in pristine white, open enough to hint at a sequined, violet crop top underneath. This is paired with high waist, black leather pants that hug and showcase her alluring figure. Her jaw-dropping style extends to her sky-high, white platform boots. Long, silky, chestnut hair flows free on her shoulders. But the true charm is her hypnotic, doe-like, azure eyes that shine brighter than any stars in the background.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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