Anime Boy Looking Down: Anime boy drawn in anime art style contemplates at a rustic wooden map sprawled across a table in a medieval-style room, his emerald-green eyes filled with resolve and ambition. His disheveled brown hair falls across his forehead. Dressed in a suede, earth-toned tunic belted at the waist, and a pair of matching trousers tucked into soft leather boots. A feathered quill and a leather pouch rest at the side of the table. Display the room with stone walls dimly lit by hanging lanterns, a fireplace at one side, casting long shadows and offering a warm golden hue reflection on his attire.

Draw a scene featuring a South Asian anime style boy with emerald-green eyes and disheveled brown hair sitting in a medieval-style room. He is deeply absorbed in examining a rustic wooden map sprawled across an ancient table, his expression filled with resolve and ambition. He is clad in an earth-toned suede tunic belted at the waist, and matching trousers tucked into soft leather boots. Nearby on the table lies a feathered quill and a leather pouch. The room, showing elements of medieval architecture, features stone walls dimly lit by hanging lanterns, with a fireplace at one corner of the room casting long shadows and a warm golden glow on his attire.

Draw a scene featuring a South Asian anime style boy with emerald-green eyes and disheveled brown hair sitting in a medieval-style room. He is deeply absorbed in examining a rustic wooden map sprawled across an ancient table, his expression filled with resolve and ambition. He is clad in an earth-toned suede tunic belted at the waist, and matching trousers tucked into soft leather boots. Nearby on the table lies a feathered quill and a leather pouch. The room, showing elements of medieval architecture, features stone walls dimly lit by hanging lanterns, with a fireplace at one corner of the room casting long shadows and a warm golden glow on his attire.

Anime Boy Looking Down: Anime boy drawn in anime art style contemplates at a rustic wooden map sprawled across a table in a medieval-style room, his emerald-green eyes filled with resolve and ambition. His disheveled brown hair falls across his forehead. Dressed in a suede, earth-toned tunic belted at the waist, and a pair of matching trousers tucked into soft leather boots. A feathered quill and a leather pouch rest at the side of the table. Display the room with stone walls dimly lit by hanging lanterns, a fireplace at one side, casting long shadows and offering a warm golden hue reflection on his attire.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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