Femboy cat

Create an anthropomorphic image featuring a feminine male cat character with traits common to anime style, such as large, expressive eyes, exaggerated facial expressions, and stylish hair. The character should be depicted in a dynamic pose, with a cheerful or playful expression. The image should use a vibrant and diverse color palette, drawing towards pastels while maintaining the visually appealing visual style of anime. The cat's appearance can include a tail, pointy ears, and a soft fur texture. There should be no explicit or implicit text present in the image.

Create an anthropomorphic image featuring a feminine male cat character with traits common to anime style, such as large, expressive eyes, exaggerated facial expressions, and stylish hair. The character should be depicted in a dynamic pose, with a cheerful or playful expression. The image should use a vibrant and diverse color palette, drawing towards pastels while maintaining the visually appealing visual style of anime. The cat's appearance can include a tail, pointy ears, and a soft fur texture. There should be no explicit or implicit text present in the image.

Femboy cat

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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