2 teenage boys hanging out

Two teenage boys, one of South Asian descent and the other of Hispanic descent, are casually hanging out. Both are dressed in contemporary fashion. The South Asian boy is wearing a vintage bomber jacket paired with ripped jeans and high top sneakers, while the Hispanic boy sports a hooded sweatshirt, cargo pants, and low-cut skate shoes. The art style should be reminiscent of classic anime, featuring the typical color palettes, outlines, and shading used in traditional anime.

Two teenage boys, one of South Asian descent and the other of Hispanic descent, are casually hanging out. Both are dressed in contemporary fashion. The South Asian boy is wearing a vintage bomber jacket paired with ripped jeans and high top sneakers, while the Hispanic boy sports a hooded sweatshirt, cargo pants, and low-cut skate shoes. The art style should be reminiscent of classic anime, featuring the typical color palettes, outlines, and shading used in traditional anime.

2 teenage boys hanging out

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Outfit
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