Anime Boy Wearing Hoodie Drawing: Anime boy drawn in anime art style outfitted in a vibrant red hoodie with detailed black streak designs. The hoodie has a lengthy pair of strings that hang loose while the hood is sitting on the back of his head. He's also donning ripped black jeans fitting snug against his lean built. The jeans sloppily cuffed over a pair of unblemished white sneakers with a black logo. He has a shock of spiky dark blue hair falling over one of his electric indigo eyes. His other eye should be partly concealed by a pair of square black-rimmed glasses. As he stands in a bustling city street with buildings lit up by neon signs in the background, a misty drizzle is surrounding him.

A young male character, inspired by anime aesthetics, is wearing a vibrant red hoodie embellished with intricate black streak designs. The hoodie features long, loose strings and the hood rests on the back of his head. His attire also includes ripped black jeans clinging to his lean body structure, sloppily cuffed over a pair of pristine white sneakers with a black insignia. His hair, a deep blue akin to the midnight sky, is styled into spiky strands that partially obscure one of his mesmerizing indigo eyes. His other eye is partially concealed by square black-rimmed glasses. He is standing in a vibrant city street aglow with neon-lit signs from surrounding buildings, while a gentle, misty drizzle envelops him.

A young male character, inspired by anime aesthetics, is wearing a vibrant red hoodie embellished with intricate black streak designs. The hoodie features long, loose strings and the hood rests on the back of his head. His attire also includes ripped black jeans clinging to his lean body structure, sloppily cuffed over a pair of pristine white sneakers with a black insignia. His hair, a deep blue akin to the midnight sky, is styled into spiky strands that partially obscure one of his mesmerizing indigo eyes. His other eye is partially concealed by square black-rimmed glasses. He is standing in a vibrant city street aglow with neon-lit signs from surrounding buildings, while a gentle, misty drizzle envelops him.

Anime Boy Wearing Hoodie Drawing: Anime boy drawn in anime art style outfitted in a vibrant red hoodie with detailed black streak designs. The hoodie has a lengthy pair of strings that hang loose while the hood is sitting on the back of his head. He's also donning ripped black jeans fitting snug against his lean built. The jeans sloppily cuffed over a pair of unblemished white sneakers with a black logo. He has a shock of spiky dark blue hair falling over one of his electric indigo eyes. His other eye should be partly concealed by a pair of square black-rimmed glasses. As he stands in a bustling city street with buildings lit up by neon signs in the background, a misty drizzle is surrounding him.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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