Cozy pastel rooms 

Create a mood board that captures the essence of cozy rooms. The color theme should run along the lines of soft and soothing pastels. Expect rooms filled with plush cushions, warm blankets, and gentle lighting. Furniture with rounded edges and rooms containing elements of nature like potted plants or floral prints on fabrics. Each room should reflect a sense of homeliness that invites a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Please ensure that the overall aesthetic is harmonious and maintains the palette of pastel tones such as baby pink, mint green, and lilac.

Create a mood board that captures the essence of cozy rooms. The color theme should run along the lines of soft and soothing pastels. Expect rooms filled with plush cushions, warm blankets, and gentle lighting. Furniture with rounded edges and rooms containing elements of nature like potted plants or floral prints on fabrics. Each room should reflect a sense of homeliness that invites a feeling of relaxation and comfort. Please ensure that the overall aesthetic is harmonious and maintains the palette of pastel tones such as baby pink, mint green, and lilac.

Cozy pastel rooms

Art Style: Pastel
Image Type: Mood Board
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