Blue Hair Anime Girl Names: Picture an anime girl drawn in anime art style named Iris. Her long blue-violet hair is tied with an intricate silver band, and her pink eyes hint at an innate sensuality. She's outfitted in an elegant dusty pink corset paired with a long violet skirt, lace gloves adorn her hands. Iris poses against the backdrop of a moonlit castle, seducing the viewer with her stunning charm.

Blue Hair Anime Girl Names: Picture an anime girl drawn in anime art style named Iris. Her long blue-violet hair is tied with an intricate silver band, and her pink eyes hint at an innate sensuality. She's outfitted in an elegant dusty pink corset paired with a long violet skirt, lace gloves adorn her hands. Iris poses against the backdrop of a moonlit castle, seducing the viewer with her stunning charm.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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