Anime Girl Head: Anime girl drawn in anime art style with long luscious navy-blue hair flowing around her, set against the backdrop of a vibrant cityscape during sunset. Her eyes are a mesmerizing crimson, sparkling with an alluring mystery. She's dressed in a provocative yet stylish leather jumpsuit, decorated with metallic accents and a bold, red scarf flowing behind. Her tall boots add a touch of toughness to her elegance, with laces intricately tied, extending up to her sleek calves.

Anime Girl Head: Anime girl drawn in anime art style with long luscious navy-blue hair flowing around her, set against the backdrop of a vibrant cityscape during sunset. Her eyes are a mesmerizing crimson, sparkling with an alluring mystery. She's dressed in a provocative yet stylish leather jumpsuit, decorated with metallic accents and a bold, red scarf flowing behind. Her tall boots add a touch of toughness to her elegance, with laces intricately tied, extending up to her sleek calves.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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