A pixelated deep space scene with Yggdrasil at the core of the universe surrounded by the nebula clouds and galaxies, the nine planets are hanging onto the Yggdrasil’s branches as a bauble ornaments 

Imagine a pixel art rendering of a deep space scene. At the heart of the universe, the Yggdrasil tree thrives, its vast branches reaching out in every direction. Nebulae clouds, bearing the dazzling hues of cosmic dust, engulf the scene, with galaxies forming a grand backdrop. The Yggdrasil's branches are adorned with nine planet-shaped baubles, symbolizing the solar system. Present this scene using the intricate detail and humanist aesthetic associated with the Renaissance era, like the works of artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo, and primarily using the medium of oil paint applied in a pixelated style.

Imagine a pixel art rendering of a deep space scene. At the heart of the universe, the Yggdrasil tree thrives, its vast branches reaching out in every direction. Nebulae clouds, bearing the dazzling hues of cosmic dust, engulf the scene, with galaxies forming a grand backdrop. The Yggdrasil's branches are adorned with nine planet-shaped baubles, symbolizing the solar system. Present this scene using the intricate detail and humanist aesthetic associated with the Renaissance era, like the works of artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo, and primarily using the medium of oil paint applied in a pixelated style.

A pixelated deep space scene with Yggdrasil at the core of the universe surrounded by the nebula clouds and galaxies, the nine planets are hanging onto the Yggdrasil’s branches as a bauble ornaments

Art Style: Renaissance
Image Type: Pixel Art
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