Femboy otter

Create an anthropomorphized, anime-style image of an otter with feminine features typically associated with a 'femboy'. The otter should have a sleek, streamlined body structure, bright, expressive eyes commonly seen in anime, and wear clothing suggestive of typical anime characters. This could include, for example, a stylish hoodie or a fun t-shirt. The image should contain no text, focusing solely on the detailed depiction of the otter character.

Create an anthropomorphized, anime-style image of an otter with feminine features typically associated with a 'femboy'. The otter should have a sleek, streamlined body structure, bright, expressive eyes commonly seen in anime, and wear clothing suggestive of typical anime characters. This could include, for example, a stylish hoodie or a fun t-shirt. The image should contain no text, focusing solely on the detailed depiction of the otter character.

Femboy otter

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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