Anime Girl Wearing Hat: Anime girl drawn in anime art style: Envision a seductive anime girl with beguiling white-golden eyes and raven-black hair falling elegantly around her shoulders, adorned with a midnight blue velvet fedora featuring a silver star brooch. She's modeling a dual-toned corset, paired with a floor-length, fishtail silver skirt, both glimmering under the ambient lights. A set of silver stiletto boots completes her outfit. The setting is in a regal ballroom lavishly decorated with golden accents, glittering chandeliers, and elegant drapery."

Anime Girl Wearing Hat: Anime girl drawn in anime art style: Envision a seductive anime girl with beguiling white-golden eyes and raven-black hair falling elegantly around her shoulders, adorned with a midnight blue velvet fedora featuring a silver star brooch. She's modeling a dual-toned corset, paired with a floor-length, fishtail silver skirt, both glimmering under the ambient lights. A set of silver stiletto boots completes her outfit. The setting is in a regal ballroom lavishly decorated with golden accents, glittering chandeliers, and elegant drapery."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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