Anime Girl Blue: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, her eye-catching turquoise hair styled in twin-tails. Her enchanting, azure eyes are alight with excitement as she stands in a modern arcade, surrounded by a sea of flashing lights. Her outfit comprises a vibrant, electric blue top, short denim skirt, layered with rainbow tights, and white, knee-high boots, oozing bright, energetic charm.

Anime Girl Blue: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, her eye-catching turquoise hair styled in twin-tails. Her enchanting, azure eyes are alight with excitement as she stands in a modern arcade, surrounded by a sea of flashing lights. Her outfit comprises a vibrant, electric blue top, short denim skirt, layered with rainbow tights, and white, knee-high boots, oozing bright, energetic charm.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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