Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is tall with short silver hair styled in a smooth mop with bangs just almost covering his sapphire-blue eyes that are full of wild spirit. His sharp cheekbones underline his smirk, showcasing a single dimple. He is wearing a futuristic outfit that includes a high-collared neon green and black formfitting jacket with holographic patterns, and a pair of matching cargo pants that are cinched at his ankles with glow-in-the-dark buckles. His feet are covered in sleek white combat boots with green soles. An anime girl is standing next to him, long lavender hair styled in waves cascading down the back. She wears a floral pink kimono paired with white furisode featuring intricate embroidery of sakura blossoms. Traditional geta sandals adorn her feet. They are both in a digital cityscape with glimmering neon lights and towering skyscrapers.

An anime-style depiction of a tall boy with short silver hair arranged in a smooth mop, his bangs just barely obscuring his sapphire-blue eyes full of untamed spirit. His sharp cheekbones accent his smirk, featuring a single dimple. He is adorned in a futuristic ensemble that incorporates a high-collared neon green and black tightly fitting jacket with holographic motifs, coupled with matching cargo trousers fastened at his ankles by glowing buckles. His footwear consists of sleek white combat boots with green soles. Standing alongside him is an anime girl possessing long, wavy, lavender hair cascading down her back. She is dressed in a floral pink kimono complemented by a white furisode adorned with intricate sakura blossom embroidery. Her feet are dressed in traditional geta sandals. The pair are positioned within a digital metropolis, brimming with shimmering neon lights and towering high-rise buildings.

An anime-style depiction of a tall boy with short silver hair arranged in a smooth mop, his bangs just barely obscuring his sapphire-blue eyes full of untamed spirit. His sharp cheekbones accent his smirk, featuring a single dimple. He is adorned in a futuristic ensemble that incorporates a high-collared neon green and black tightly fitting jacket with holographic motifs, coupled with matching cargo trousers fastened at his ankles by glowing buckles. His footwear consists of sleek white combat boots with green soles. Standing alongside him is an anime girl possessing long, wavy, lavender hair cascading down her back. She is dressed in a floral pink kimono complemented by a white furisode adorned with intricate sakura blossom embroidery. Her feet are dressed in traditional geta sandals. The pair are positioned within a digital metropolis, brimming with shimmering neon lights and towering high-rise buildings.

Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style is tall with short silver hair styled in a smooth mop with bangs just almost covering his sapphire-blue eyes that are full of wild spirit. His sharp cheekbones underline his smirk, showcasing a single dimple. He is wearing a futuristic outfit that includes a high-collared neon green and black formfitting jacket with holographic patterns, and a pair of matching cargo pants that are cinched at his ankles with glow-in-the-dark buckles. His feet are covered in sleek white combat boots with green soles. An anime girl is standing next to him, long lavender hair styled in waves cascading down the back. She wears a floral pink kimono paired with white furisode featuring intricate embroidery of sakura blossoms. Traditional geta sandals adorn her feet. They are both in a digital cityscape with glimmering neon lights and towering skyscrapers.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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