Anime Girl Art: Anime girl drawn in an anime art style, walking down a street with the city's vibrant lights illuminating her. Her dazzling amber hair glows under the neon lights, while her almond-shaped, hazel eyes glitter with life. A figure-hugging white top and high-waist black leather shorts outline her captivating frame, teamed with thigh-high boots and oversized hoop earrings to complete her seductive model look."

Anime Girl Art: Anime girl drawn in an anime art style, walking down a street with the city's vibrant lights illuminating her. Her dazzling amber hair glows under the neon lights, while her almond-shaped, hazel eyes glitter with life. A figure-hugging white top and high-waist black leather shorts outline her captivating frame, teamed with thigh-high boots and oversized hoop earrings to complete her seductive model look."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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