Anime Boy In Uniform: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, donning a unique naval uniform. Sea-green eyes filled with mysteries of the sea, crowned by flowing locks of sandy blond hair. The uniform is a crisp white shirt complemented with a black tie, carefully tucked beneath a double-breasted navy-blue coat adorned with gold buttons and matching epaulettes. A pair of straight-cut white trousers held up by a polished leather belt and shiny black ankle boots complete his regal attire. His outfit is polished off with a distinguished bicorn hat bearing the naval emblem, indicating high rank.

Anime-styled illustration of a teenager with sea-green eyes that seem to reflect the mysteries of the ocean, and flowing sandy blond hair. He is dressed in a naval uniform that includes a crisp white shirt and a black tie tucked underneath a double-breasted navy-blue coat bedecked with gold buttons and matching epaulettes. His outfit also includes straight-cut white trousers held up by a polished leather belt and shiny black ankle boots. A distinguishing feature of his uniform is a notable bicorn hat with a naval emblem, indicating a position of high authority.

Anime-styled illustration of a teenager with sea-green eyes that seem to reflect the mysteries of the ocean, and flowing sandy blond hair. He is dressed in a naval uniform that includes a crisp white shirt and a black tie tucked underneath a double-breasted navy-blue coat bedecked with gold buttons and matching epaulettes. His outfit also includes straight-cut white trousers held up by a polished leather belt and shiny black ankle boots. A distinguishing feature of his uniform is a notable bicorn hat with a naval emblem, indicating a position of high authority.

Anime Boy In Uniform: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, donning a unique naval uniform. Sea-green eyes filled with mysteries of the sea, crowned by flowing locks of sandy blond hair. The uniform is a crisp white shirt complemented with a black tie, carefully tucked beneath a double-breasted navy-blue coat adorned with gold buttons and matching epaulettes. A pair of straight-cut white trousers held up by a polished leather belt and shiny black ankle boots complete his regal attire. His outfit is polished off with a distinguished bicorn hat bearing the naval emblem, indicating high rank.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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