Anime Boy Full Body: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, featuring a spiky-haired teenager, with electric blue hair standing in sharp contrast to his stormy grey eyes. He is donned in a futuristic, form-fitting black bodysuit adorned with glowing neon blue lines that trace his lean, athletic body. Enhanced with ankle-length metal boots and gloves matching his suit, he appears to be hovering above a technologically advanced neon cityscape under the starlit sky, indicating a sci-fi setting."

An anime-styled illustration depicting a teenager boy with spiky, electric blue hair that stands out against his stormy grey eyes. He is wearing a futuristic, form-fitted black bodysuit that has glowing neon blue lines tracing the contours of his lean, athletic physique. This outfit is matched with metal boots that reach up to his ankles and gloves that feature the same designs as his suit. The boy is illustrated as if hovering above a city lit with neon, characterizing a futuristic, sci-fi setting. The cityscape below him is technologically advanced and fills the scene beneath a starlit evening sky.

An anime-styled illustration depicting a teenager boy with spiky, electric blue hair that stands out against his stormy grey eyes. He is wearing a futuristic, form-fitted black bodysuit that has glowing neon blue lines tracing the contours of his lean, athletic physique. This outfit is matched with metal boots that reach up to his ankles and gloves that feature the same designs as his suit. The boy is illustrated as if hovering above a city lit with neon, characterizing a futuristic, sci-fi setting. The cityscape below him is technologically advanced and fills the scene beneath a starlit evening sky.

Anime Boy Full Body: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, featuring a spiky-haired teenager, with electric blue hair standing in sharp contrast to his stormy grey eyes. He is donned in a futuristic, form-fitting black bodysuit adorned with glowing neon blue lines that trace his lean, athletic body. Enhanced with ankle-length metal boots and gloves matching his suit, he appears to be hovering above a technologically advanced neon cityscape under the starlit sky, indicating a sci-fi setting."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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