Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, exchanging an intense gaze with a girl over the heart-shaped locket in his hand. The boy has a white-silver hair undercut with a dark contrast at roots, he has vibrant, aqua blue eyes. His outfit includes a navy-blue jacket with silver zippers, white ripped jeans, and high-top converse sneakers in black. The girl has long, black hair that flows like a waterfall and striking ruby-red eyes, wearing a simple, cream-colored sun dress with a floral pattern and delicate pearl earrings. They should appear within an antiquated, dark wooden attic, filled with trinkets and dusty books, the single source light entering from a cracked window illuminating their focused expressions.

A young, anime-style male with a silver hair undercut that has dark roots, and vibrant, aqua blue eyes, is locked in an intense gaze with a female. He's holding a heart-shaped locket in his hand. He wears a navy-blue jacket adorned with silver zippers, white ripped jeans, and black high-top converse sneakers. The girl possesses a cascade of black hair and striking ruby-red eyes. Her outfit encapsulates a cream-colored sundress with a floral pattern on it and she adorns delicate pearl earrings. They are in a dimly illuminated, antiquated attic filled with various trinkets and dusty books, the light from a cracked window highlighting their focused expressions.

A young, anime-style male with a silver hair undercut that has dark roots, and vibrant, aqua blue eyes, is locked in an intense gaze with a female. He's holding a heart-shaped locket in his hand. He wears a navy-blue jacket adorned with silver zippers, white ripped jeans, and black high-top converse sneakers. The girl possesses a cascade of black hair and striking ruby-red eyes. Her outfit encapsulates a cream-colored sundress with a floral pattern on it and she adorns delicate pearl earrings. They are in a dimly illuminated, antiquated attic filled with various trinkets and dusty books, the light from a cracked window highlighting their focused expressions.

Anime Boy X Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, exchanging an intense gaze with a girl over the heart-shaped locket in his hand. The boy has a white-silver hair undercut with a dark contrast at roots, he has vibrant, aqua blue eyes. His outfit includes a navy-blue jacket with silver zippers, white ripped jeans, and high-top converse sneakers in black. The girl has long, black hair that flows like a waterfall and striking ruby-red eyes, wearing a simple, cream-colored sun dress with a floral pattern and delicate pearl earrings. They should appear within an antiquated, dark wooden attic, filled with trinkets and dusty books, the single source light entering from a cracked window illuminating their focused expressions.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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