Anime Boy That Looks Like A Girl: Depict an anime boy drawn in anime art style, with a strong resemblance to a girl. He has jewel-toned sapphire eyes with long curly eyelashes, and rosy cheeks that compliment his wavy, shoulder-length auburn hair adorned with green ivy leaves. His outfit is a unique blend of tradition and modern, with a green velvet overcoat over a cream-colored frilled shirt. The overcoat is embellished with golden embroidery, matching his golden buckled brown leather boots. He is sitting under an ancient oak tree in an afternoon sun-drenched meadow, a book resting on his lap.

Visualize a character in the manga style, appearing unambiguously male but with features often associated with female characters. Emphasize his jewel-toned sapphire eyes surrounded by long curly eyelashes, and rosy cheeks highlighted against his wavy, auburn hair reaching shoulder length and entwined with green ivy leaves. His outfit is a medley of past and present, with a green velvet overcoat layered over a cream frilled shirt. The overcoat showcases golden embroidery that ties with his brown leather boots, secured with golden buckles. Imagine him seated under the sprawling branches of an ancient oak tree, nestled in a sunlit meadow during the afternoon. A book is peacefully resting on his lap.

Visualize a character in the manga style, appearing unambiguously male but with features often associated with female characters. Emphasize his jewel-toned sapphire eyes surrounded by long curly eyelashes, and rosy cheeks highlighted against his wavy, auburn hair reaching shoulder length and entwined with green ivy leaves. His outfit is a medley of past and present, with a green velvet overcoat layered over a cream frilled shirt. The overcoat showcases golden embroidery that ties with his brown leather boots, secured with golden buckles. Imagine him seated under the sprawling branches of an ancient oak tree, nestled in a sunlit meadow during the afternoon. A book is peacefully resting on his lap.

Anime Boy That Looks Like A Girl: Depict an anime boy drawn in anime art style, with a strong resemblance to a girl. He has jewel-toned sapphire eyes with long curly eyelashes, and rosy cheeks that compliment his wavy, shoulder-length auburn hair adorned with green ivy leaves. His outfit is a unique blend of tradition and modern, with a green velvet overcoat over a cream-colored frilled shirt. The overcoat is embellished with golden embroidery, matching his golden buckled brown leather boots. He is sitting under an ancient oak tree in an afternoon sun-drenched meadow, a book resting on his lap.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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