Anime Girl In City: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, standing in the midst of a bustling city of dazzling skyscrapers, their reflective surfaces glowing with the radiance of the setting sun. She is a captivating figure with bright, aquamarine eyes and long, flowing cherry-blossom-pink hair that swirls around her in the gentle breeze. She wears a close-fitted maxi dress in deep navy blue, adorned with sparkling silver sequins that shimmer in the waning twilight. The dress clings to her figure, highlighting her slender waist and curvaceous hips. A long, daring split reveals her perfectly sculpted leg, adorned with lace-up stiletto boots that match her dress, adding to her sultry aura."

Anime Girl In City: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, standing in the midst of a bustling city of dazzling skyscrapers, their reflective surfaces glowing with the radiance of the setting sun. She is a captivating figure with bright, aquamarine eyes and long, flowing cherry-blossom-pink hair that swirls around her in the gentle breeze. She wears a close-fitted maxi dress in deep navy blue, adorned with sparkling silver sequins that shimmer in the waning twilight. The dress clings to her figure, highlighting her slender waist and curvaceous hips. A long, daring split reveals her perfectly sculpted leg, adorned with lace-up stiletto boots that match her dress, adding to her sultry aura."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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