Anime Boy Turns Into Girl: Depict an anime boy drawn in anime art style initially in a Japanese school uniform consisting of a black blazer, white shirt, black trousers, and red tie, standing in a traditional high school setting. His hair is jet black and layered, with fringes gently touching his sharp, blue eyes. With a determined smile, he holds a magical amulet with intricate engravings. As he activates the amulet, show transformation into a girl, her black hair lengthening into a voluminous, wavy cascade with a delicate pearl hair accessory. The school uniform alters to a sailor-style school uniform, with a perfectly pleated navy skirt, a short-sleeved white blouse with a sailor collar, red neckerchief, and knee-high black socks with shiny black loafers.

Create an image of a young anime character, in a typical Japanese school uniform - sporting a black blazer, white shirt, black trousers, and a red tie, stationed in a traditional high school setting. Noticeable features include their layered jet black hair slightly brushing against their piercing blue eyes and a resolute smile on their face. In their hand they hold a mystical amulet teeming with intricate engravings. As they bring the amulet to life, portray the character's transformation into a girl. Her hair becoming longer, transitioning into a full, wavy waterfall with a delicate pearl accessory complementing it. Concurrently, the school uniform alters into a sailor-type, inclusive of a meticulously pleated navy skirt, a short-sleeved white blouse with a sailor collar, a red neckerchief, and finishes with knee-high black socks accompanied by glossy black loafers.

Create an image of a young anime character, in a typical Japanese school uniform - sporting a black blazer, white shirt, black trousers, and a red tie, stationed in a traditional high school setting. Noticeable features include their layered jet black hair slightly brushing against their piercing blue eyes and a resolute smile on their face. In their hand they hold a mystical amulet teeming with intricate engravings. As they bring the amulet to life, portray the character's transformation into a girl. Her hair becoming longer, transitioning into a full, wavy waterfall with a delicate pearl accessory complementing it. Concurrently, the school uniform alters into a sailor-type, inclusive of a meticulously pleated navy skirt, a short-sleeved white blouse with a sailor collar, a red neckerchief, and finishes with knee-high black socks accompanied by glossy black loafers.

Anime Boy Turns Into Girl: Depict an anime boy drawn in anime art style initially in a Japanese school uniform consisting of a black blazer, white shirt, black trousers, and red tie, standing in a traditional high school setting. His hair is jet black and layered, with fringes gently touching his sharp, blue eyes. With a determined smile, he holds a magical amulet with intricate engravings. As he activates the amulet, show transformation into a girl, her black hair lengthening into a voluminous, wavy cascade with a delicate pearl hair accessory. The school uniform alters to a sailor-style school uniform, with a perfectly pleated navy skirt, a short-sleeved white blouse with a sailor collar, red neckerchief, and knee-high black socks with shiny black loafers.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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