Black muscle man

Illustrate an image of a muscular Black man portrayed with neon intensity. The visual style should include elements typical of the Punk aesthetic such as saturated colors, futuristic designs, and urban backdrop. To capture the Neon Punk aesthetic, the man should be decorated with glowing neon tattoos, piercing, or other glowing accessories. The background should be a dark cityscape, illuminated by bright, neon colors. Use only bold and vibrant colors typically associated with the neon color spectrum.

Illustrate an image of a muscular Black man portrayed with neon intensity. The visual style should include elements typical of the Punk aesthetic such as saturated colors, futuristic designs, and urban backdrop. To capture the Neon Punk aesthetic, the man should be decorated with glowing neon tattoos, piercing, or other glowing accessories. The background should be a dark cityscape, illuminated by bright, neon colors. Use only bold and vibrant colors typically associated with the neon color spectrum.

Black muscle man

Art Style: Neon Punk
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