Anime girls repair a g63 at garden

An image in a pixel art style, showcasing anime-style girls who come from a range of descents: a South Asian girl, a Hispanic girl, and a Black girl, all engrossed in repairing a G63 vehicle. They're in a beautiful garden filled with a variety of flowers and vegetation glowing in the soft sunlight. Their tools are scattered around as they work as a team, their expressions full of dedication and perseverance. The mix of automotive elements and the serene garden creates an unlikely but captivating scene.

An image in a pixel art style, showcasing anime-style girls who come from a range of descents: a South Asian girl, a Hispanic girl, and a Black girl, all engrossed in repairing a G63 vehicle. They're in a beautiful garden filled with a variety of flowers and vegetation glowing in the soft sunlight. Their tools are scattered around as they work as a team, their expressions full of dedication and perseverance. The mix of automotive elements and the serene garden creates an unlikely but captivating scene.

Anime girls repair a g63 at garden

Art Style: Pixel Art
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