Femboy cat

An anthropomorphic young male cat with softer, more feminine features typically associated with the 'femboy' aesthetic. He should be displayed in the iconic visual style of traditional Japanese animations and comics, often known as anime. The character boasts fine feline features including, sharp ears, a fluffy tail, and sleek fur. He sports a lively expression, showcasing his energetic personality. Please generate this image with no text involved.

An anthropomorphic young male cat with softer, more feminine features typically associated with the 'femboy' aesthetic. He should be displayed in the iconic visual style of traditional Japanese animations and comics, often known as anime. The character boasts fine feline features including, sharp ears, a fluffy tail, and sleek fur. He sports a lively expression, showcasing his energetic personality. Please generate this image with no text involved.

Femboy cat

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Furry
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