Anime Girl Sitting: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, seated on a magnificent carousel horse during a city fair. Her Strawberry-pink hair is styled into two tight braids with multicolored ribbons woven within. She wears a cotton-candy blue, halter sundress decorated with tiny rainbows and stars, paired with white laced ankle boots. The star-studded headband complements her twinkling azure eyes sparkling with mischief."

Anime Girl Sitting: Anime girl drawn in anime art style, seated on a magnificent carousel horse during a city fair. Her Strawberry-pink hair is styled into two tight braids with multicolored ribbons woven within. She wears a cotton-candy blue, halter sundress decorated with tiny rainbows and stars, paired with white laced ankle boots. The star-studded headband complements her twinkling azure eyes sparkling with mischief."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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