Anime Boy In Depression: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, possessing a remarkable physique and ocean-blue, teary eyes that narrate tales of unseen torment. His hair is a shocking hue of silver, catching the light with each disinterested movement, whilst sharp, unevenly cut bangs effectively concealing the far-off gaze in his eyes. He is shown sitting alone under a gnarled, towering cherry blossom tree in twilight, petals showering around him in a soft tragedy. Dressed in a slightly loose, black button-down shirt with sleeves carelessly rolled up showcasing chains and an obsidian leather bracelet adorning his wrists, paired with ripped jeans; the ragged bottoms revealing scuffed, combat boots to his battered nature."

A young male character in anime style, showcasing a remarkable physique, with eyes as blue as the ocean filled with tears which tell stories of unseen sorrow. His hair shines in a stunning silver color, moving nonchalantly and reflecting light, while his sharp, haphazardly cut fringes hide his daydreaming eyes. The scene captures him in solitude under a twisted, towering cherry blossom tree which is set against the twilight sky, its petals raining around him, adding a hint of sad beauty to the scene. He is seen wearing a relaxed, black buttoned shirt with sleeves casually pulled up, revealing chains and a black leather bracelet on his wrists, and trousers with torn sections exposing rugged boots, adding to his enduring persona.

A young male character in anime style, showcasing a remarkable physique, with eyes as blue as the ocean filled with tears which tell stories of unseen sorrow. His hair shines in a stunning silver color, moving nonchalantly and reflecting light, while his sharp, haphazardly cut fringes hide his daydreaming eyes. The scene captures him in solitude under a twisted, towering cherry blossom tree which is set against the twilight sky, its petals raining around him, adding a hint of sad beauty to the scene. He is seen wearing a relaxed, black buttoned shirt with sleeves casually pulled up, revealing chains and a black leather bracelet on his wrists, and trousers with torn sections exposing rugged boots, adding to his enduring persona.

Anime Boy In Depression: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, possessing a remarkable physique and ocean-blue, teary eyes that narrate tales of unseen torment. His hair is a shocking hue of silver, catching the light with each disinterested movement, whilst sharp, unevenly cut bangs effectively concealing the far-off gaze in his eyes. He is shown sitting alone under a gnarled, towering cherry blossom tree in twilight, petals showering around him in a soft tragedy. Dressed in a slightly loose, black button-down shirt with sleeves carelessly rolled up showcasing chains and an obsidian leather bracelet adorning his wrists, paired with ripped jeans; the ragged bottoms revealing scuffed, combat boots to his battered nature."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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