Anime Boy In Winter: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, perched on a bench in a moonlit snowy park, gazing up at the clear, star-studded winter night. His hair is a glossy black, falling in soft waves just past his squared shoulders, partially shielding his gentle lavender eyes. He's decked in a loose, turtleneck oatmeal sweater made of thick wool, paired with fitted black jeans. His shoes are brown hiking boots with red laces, lightly dusted with clinging snow. A royal blue plaid scarf is wound around his neck, a matching beanie snug on his head, and he's sporting black leather gloves. A snow-covered backpack sits next to him, while one gloved hand touches a hollow bronze locket hung around his neck."

An anime-inspired illustration of a young male figure, sitting quietly on a park bench under the shimmering sparkle of a moonlit, starry winter night. This individual has glossy black hair that falls in soft waves beyond his square shoulders, partially veiling his gentle lavender eyes. He wears a loose turtleneck woolen sweater of an oatmeal color, contrasted by his fitted black jeans. His feet are covered in brown hiking boots with red laces, lightly coated with traces of clinging snow. A royal blue plaid scarf winds around his neck, a matching beanie caps his head, and black leather gloves cover his hands. A snow-dappled backpack rests beside him on the bench, while one gloved hand lightly caresses a hollow bronze locket that hangs around his neck.

An anime-inspired illustration of a young male figure, sitting quietly on a park bench under the shimmering sparkle of a moonlit, starry winter night. This individual has glossy black hair that falls in soft waves beyond his square shoulders, partially veiling his gentle lavender eyes. He wears a loose turtleneck woolen sweater of an oatmeal color, contrasted by his fitted black jeans. His feet are covered in brown hiking boots with red laces, lightly coated with traces of clinging snow. A royal blue plaid scarf winds around his neck, a matching beanie caps his head, and black leather gloves cover his hands. A snow-dappled backpack rests beside him on the bench, while one gloved hand lightly caresses a hollow bronze locket that hangs around his neck.

Anime Boy In Winter: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, perched on a bench in a moonlit snowy park, gazing up at the clear, star-studded winter night. His hair is a glossy black, falling in soft waves just past his squared shoulders, partially shielding his gentle lavender eyes. He's decked in a loose, turtleneck oatmeal sweater made of thick wool, paired with fitted black jeans. His shoes are brown hiking boots with red laces, lightly dusted with clinging snow. A royal blue plaid scarf is wound around his neck, a matching beanie snug on his head, and he's sporting black leather gloves. A snow-covered backpack sits next to him, while one gloved hand touches a hollow bronze locket hung around his neck."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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