Anime Boy Girl: A brightly lit classroom is the setting for an anime boy drawn in anime art style sweeping a debate against an anime girl. He possesses sleek, chestnut hair neatly brushed to the side, allowing distinct visibility of his captivating, round, purple eyes. His outfit consists of a crisp white school shirt, a neatly knotted red tie and a V-neck navy blue vest. Paired with beige trousers and polished black loafers, his kind and scholarly vibe is undeniable. He's also sporting a silver watch on his left wrist, indicating punctuality.

Imagine a scene held in a brightly lit classroom. A boy with sleek, chestnut hair, neatly brushed to the side stands in the middle. His captivating purple eyes glisten with intellect. He is dressed in a crisp white school shirt complemented by a neatly knotted red tie and a V-neck navy-blue vest. He pairs his upper attire with beige trousers and polished black loafers enhancing his scholarly vibe. On his left wrist, he wears a silver watch, an indication of his punctuality. He is engaged in a spirited debate with a female student, showing a victory that depicts anime-like features and intensity.

Imagine a scene held in a brightly lit classroom. A boy with sleek, chestnut hair, neatly brushed to the side stands in the middle. His captivating purple eyes glisten with intellect. He is dressed in a crisp white school shirt complemented by a neatly knotted red tie and a V-neck navy-blue vest. He pairs his upper attire with beige trousers and polished black loafers enhancing his scholarly vibe. On his left wrist, he wears a silver watch, an indication of his punctuality. He is engaged in a spirited debate with a female student, showing a victory that depicts anime-like features and intensity.

Anime Boy Girl: A brightly lit classroom is the setting for an anime boy drawn in anime art style sweeping a debate against an anime girl. He possesses sleek, chestnut hair neatly brushed to the side, allowing distinct visibility of his captivating, round, purple eyes. His outfit consists of a crisp white school shirt, a neatly knotted red tie and a V-neck navy blue vest. Paired with beige trousers and polished black loafers, his kind and scholarly vibe is undeniable. He's also sporting a silver watch on his left wrist, indicating punctuality.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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