Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in a bustling cityscape, illuminated by neon lights. She has mesmerizing platinum-blonde hair, pulled up in a high ponytail, and hypnotizing blue eyes that are as captivating as twilight. Draped in a sultry black leather jacket over a violet sequined crop top, with high-waisted denim shorts and black thigh-high leather boots, she takes a lick of a cotton candy flavoured ice cream.

Anime Girl Eating Ice Cream: Anime girl drawn in anime art style in a bustling cityscape, illuminated by neon lights. She has mesmerizing platinum-blonde hair, pulled up in a high ponytail, and hypnotizing blue eyes that are as captivating as twilight. Draped in a sultry black leather jacket over a violet sequined crop top, with high-waisted denim shorts and black thigh-high leather boots, she takes a lick of a cotton candy flavoured ice cream.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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