Anime Boy Outfits: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, posed against a backdrop of an urban cityscape at sunset. The young man has spiky crimson hair, vibrant aqua eyes filled with determination. His attire consists of a uniquely styled varsity jacket, navy blue in color with white and red stripes along the collar, cuffs, and hem. Underneath the jacket is a casual, charcoal gray shirt. His light blue jeans are casually ripped at the knees, paired with sleek black high-top sneakers having a splash of red designs. Accessories include a red bandana wrapped around his neck and a stylish black and white wristband on his right hand.

Anime Boy Outfits: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, posed against a backdrop of an urban cityscape at sunset. The young man has spiky crimson hair, vibrant aqua eyes filled with determination. His attire consists of a uniquely styled varsity jacket, navy blue in color with white and red stripes along the collar, cuffs, and hem. Underneath the jacket is a casual, charcoal gray shirt. His light blue jeans are casually ripped at the knees, paired with sleek black high-top sneakers having a splash of red designs. Accessories include a red bandana wrapped around his neck and a stylish black and white wristband on his right hand.

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