Anime Boy: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showcasing breathtakingly unique dual-colored hair – a blend of snowy white on one side and fiery red on the other. His almond-shaped eyes are a striking cobalt blue, exuding intensity. Set in an elegantly designed library filled with ancient books and a glowing crystal chandelier overhead, he is a manifestation of intellect and wisdom. He is dressed in a tailored burgundy velvet blazer over a white pleated shirt, his royal blue tie contrasting elegantly. Charcoal, perfectly fitted dress pants adorn his lower body, complimented by polished black leather shoes.

Picture a young man drawn in a detailed, illustrative style, presenting eye-catching, dual-colored hair – a mingling of snowy white on one side and fiery red on the other. His almond-shaped eyes are an impressive cobalt blue, radiating intensity. He is situated within an intricately designed library teeming with timeworn books and an illuminating crystal chandelier overhead, embodying intellect and wisdom. He dons a custom-designed burgundy velvet blazer over a crisp white pleated shirt, with a vivid royal blue tie providing an elegant contrast. Charcoal-hued, precisely tailored dress pants clad his lower body, highlighted by shining black leather footwear. This image should evoke the essence of an intellectual and distinguished personality within an environment rich with history and knowledge.

Picture a young man drawn in a detailed, illustrative style, presenting eye-catching, dual-colored hair – a mingling of snowy white on one side and fiery red on the other. His almond-shaped eyes are an impressive cobalt blue, radiating intensity. He is situated within an intricately designed library teeming with timeworn books and an illuminating crystal chandelier overhead, embodying intellect and wisdom. He dons a custom-designed burgundy velvet blazer over a crisp white pleated shirt, with a vivid royal blue tie providing an elegant contrast. Charcoal-hued, precisely tailored dress pants clad his lower body, highlighted by shining black leather footwear. This image should evoke the essence of an intellectual and distinguished personality within an environment rich with history and knowledge.

Anime Boy: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, showcasing breathtakingly unique dual-colored hair – a blend of snowy white on one side and fiery red on the other. His almond-shaped eyes are a striking cobalt blue, exuding intensity. Set in an elegantly designed library filled with ancient books and a glowing crystal chandelier overhead, he is a manifestation of intellect and wisdom. He is dressed in a tailored burgundy velvet blazer over a white pleated shirt, his royal blue tie contrasting elegantly. Charcoal, perfectly fitted dress pants adorn his lower body, complimented by polished black leather shoes.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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