Anime Boy Wearing Shorts: Anime boy drawn in anime art style dressed in sports gear. He's characterized by jet-black hair styled in a messy undercut, violet eyes captivating and wide. The boy is dressed in light grey sports shorts with black side stripes that hang around his mid-thigh. His top is mesh athletic wear in the same shade, lightly hugging his lean muscular build. There are a pair of white running shoes on his feet, speckled in mud, a sign of an energetic morning on the tracks. He stands on a racing track, the sun setting off in the distance, casting a warm orange hue everywhere.

An anime-style illustration of a boy with a lean muscular build dressed in sports gear. His distinctive features include jet-black hair styled in a messy undercut and captivating wide violet eyes. He is wearing light grey sports shorts with black side stripes that reach his mid-thigh, and a mesh athletic top of the same shade that lightly hugs his toned figure. His white running shoes, speckled with mud, suggest an active morning spent on the tracks. He stands on a racing track with the setting sun in the background, casting a warm orange hue across the scene.

An anime-style illustration of a boy with a lean muscular build dressed in sports gear. His distinctive features include jet-black hair styled in a messy undercut and captivating wide violet eyes. He is wearing light grey sports shorts with black side stripes that reach his mid-thigh, and a mesh athletic top of the same shade that lightly hugs his toned figure. His white running shoes, speckled with mud, suggest an active morning spent on the tracks. He stands on a racing track with the setting sun in the background, casting a warm orange hue across the scene.

Anime Boy Wearing Shorts: Anime boy drawn in anime art style dressed in sports gear. He's characterized by jet-black hair styled in a messy undercut, violet eyes captivating and wide. The boy is dressed in light grey sports shorts with black side stripes that hang around his mid-thigh. His top is mesh athletic wear in the same shade, lightly hugging his lean muscular build. There are a pair of white running shoes on his feet, speckled in mud, a sign of an energetic morning on the tracks. He stands on a racing track, the sun setting off in the distance, casting a warm orange hue everywhere.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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