Anime girl drawn in anime art style: This character sports waist-length, silver hair that glistens under the moonlight, complemented by her bewitching grey eyes, captivating in their detail and size. Her slim yet gracefully curvaceous figure accentuates her stylish apparel — a black off-the-shoulder top coupled with parallel striped pants and high-heeled ankle boots. She's found in the neon-lit back alleys of a bustling city.

Anime girl drawn in anime art style: This character sports waist-length, silver hair that glistens under the moonlight, complemented by her bewitching grey eyes, captivating in their detail and size. Her slim yet gracefully curvaceous figure accentuates her stylish apparel — a black off-the-shoulder top coupled with parallel striped pants and high-heeled ankle boots. She's found in the neon-lit back alleys of a bustling city.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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