Anime Boy Eyes: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with captivating ruby red eyes, shimmering like jewels under the twilight, framed by long lashes. His hair is silver, falling in thick waves down to his shoulders, a single strand defying the rest, curling downwards from his forehead. He is dressed in a black, form-hugging turtleneck, tucked into maroon high-waisted trousers, held in place by a studded, brown leather belt. A long, emerald-green overcoat dusts the ground behind him, the symbols of an arcane language glittering as celestial entities along its edges. On his feet are glossy black combat boots, with a mysterious, ancient book dangling from his belt in a leather case."

Imagine a character inspired by anime style. He has alluring, jewel-like ruby red eyes that shimmer in the twilight, guarded by long, thick eyelashes. His hair is the color of moonlight, unfolding in thick cascades down to his shoulders. A single strand rebelled against the rest, lazily curling down on his forehead. He is styled in a snug black turtleneck tucked into maroon high-waisted trousers, which are secured by a studded, brown leather belt. A sumptuous emerald-green overcoat sweeps the ground behind him, its edges trimmed with unidentifiable symbols that glitter as though they were stardust. His feet are adorned with polished black combat boots. Curiously, there is an archaic book protected by a leather casing that hangs from his belt, whispering tales of mystery and courage.

Imagine a character inspired by anime style. He has alluring, jewel-like ruby red eyes that shimmer in the twilight, guarded by long, thick eyelashes. His hair is the color of moonlight, unfolding in thick cascades down to his shoulders. A single strand rebelled against the rest, lazily curling down on his forehead. He is styled in a snug black turtleneck tucked into maroon high-waisted trousers, which are secured by a studded, brown leather belt. A sumptuous emerald-green overcoat sweeps the ground behind him, its edges trimmed with unidentifiable symbols that glitter as though they were stardust. His feet are adorned with polished black combat boots. Curiously, there is an archaic book protected by a leather casing that hangs from his belt, whispering tales of mystery and courage.

Anime Boy Eyes: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with captivating ruby red eyes, shimmering like jewels under the twilight, framed by long lashes. His hair is silver, falling in thick waves down to his shoulders, a single strand defying the rest, curling downwards from his forehead. He is dressed in a black, form-hugging turtleneck, tucked into maroon high-waisted trousers, held in place by a studded, brown leather belt. A long, emerald-green overcoat dusts the ground behind him, the symbols of an arcane language glittering as celestial entities along its edges. On his feet are glossy black combat boots, with a mysterious, ancient book dangling from his belt in a leather case."

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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