Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is sitting on the steps of a traditional Japanese shrine, surrounded by luscious greenery and ancient stone lanterns. Dressed in a burgundy jacket featuring golden edges and a pair of straight fit black trousers coupled with glossy black dress shoes, the boy is wearing an intricate silver pendant around his neck. His raven-black hair, shining against the moonlit sky, is held up by a matching burgundy headband, revealing his dishwater gray eyes, twinkling with awe and excitement.

A manga-style character, a young boy, is seated on the steps of a traditional Japanese shrine, encircled by luxurious vegetation and antique stone lanterns. He's dressed in a deep burgundy jacket displaying golden trimmings, combined with straight cut black trousers and polished black dress shoes. Around his neck, he wears an elaborate silver pendant. His glossy jet-black hair, glowing under the lunar sky, is held back by a headband in matching burgundy, exposing his striking gray eyes, glittering with wonder and elation. Please do not depict any specific cultural or historical details related to Japan. The elements should be general and not tied to any particular era or region.

A manga-style character, a young boy, is seated on the steps of a traditional Japanese shrine, encircled by luxurious vegetation and antique stone lanterns. He's dressed in a deep burgundy jacket displaying golden trimmings, combined with straight cut black trousers and polished black dress shoes. Around his neck, he wears an elaborate silver pendant. His glossy jet-black hair, glowing under the lunar sky, is held back by a headband in matching burgundy, exposing his striking gray eyes, glittering with wonder and elation. Please do not depict any specific cultural or historical details related to Japan. The elements should be general and not tied to any particular era or region.

Anime Boy Uniform: An anime boy drawn in anime art style is sitting on the steps of a traditional Japanese shrine, surrounded by luscious greenery and ancient stone lanterns. Dressed in a burgundy jacket featuring golden edges and a pair of straight fit black trousers coupled with glossy black dress shoes, the boy is wearing an intricate silver pendant around his neck. His raven-black hair, shining against the moonlit sky, is held up by a matching burgundy headband, revealing his dishwater gray eyes, twinkling with awe and excitement.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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