Anime Girl In Rain: Anime girl drawn in anime art style is seen walking down an urban sidewalk wet from the rain, dimly lit neon signs groggily reflecting in the puddles beneath her. Her curly blond hair misted with rain droplets, juxtaposes with her vibrant sapphire eyes, exuding a mysterious allure. She is gorgeously dressed in a maroon velvet dress that clings to her slim figure, its length teasingly ending mid-thigh. With her golden hoop earrings glinting under the city lights, she wields a captivating presence. A pair of black stiletto boots balance on her perfectly manicured feet, making her every stride ooze seductive charm.

Anime Girl In Rain: Anime girl drawn in anime art style is seen walking down an urban sidewalk wet from the rain, dimly lit neon signs groggily reflecting in the puddles beneath her. Her curly blond hair misted with rain droplets, juxtaposes with her vibrant sapphire eyes, exuding a mysterious allure. She is gorgeously dressed in a maroon velvet dress that clings to her slim figure, its length teasingly ending mid-thigh. With her golden hoop earrings glinting under the city lights, she wields a captivating presence. A pair of black stiletto boots balance on her perfectly manicured feet, making her every stride ooze seductive charm.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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