Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style displays wavy brunette hair, hanging messily over his deep-set emerald-green eyes that shine with determination. His features are emphasized by a strong jawline and slight stubble. He is wearing a traditional school uniform, a black Japanese gakuran with a stand-up collar, silver buttons arranged vertically and matching black trousers. A red armband with the kanji for "student council president" wraps his left arm. An anime girl is beside him, her jet black hair tied into a ponytail, her onyx eyes intelligent and inquisitive. She is in a sailor fuku style school uniform, a white blouse with a sailor-style collar, a pleated navy-blue skirt with a yellow bowtie. They are in a school scene during spring with cherry blossoms raining down on them.

A South Asian anime-style boy, with wavy brunette hair hanging over his deep-set emerald-green eyes filled with determination, reveals his strong jawline and a hint of stubble. He's suited in a traditional Japanese gakuran school uniform, black in color accentuated with silver buttons arranged vertically and matching black trousers. A red armband displaying the kanji for 'student council president' adorns his left arm. Alongside him, a Middle-Eastern anime-style girl stands. Her jet-black hair is tied in a neat ponytail, her onyx eyes radiating intelligence and curiosity. Dressed in a sailor fuku style school uniform, she wears a white blouse with a sailor-style collar and a pleated navy-blue skirt, complemented by a yellow bowtie. They share a serene school environment during the spring season, with cherry blossoms lightly peppering the scene.

A South Asian anime-style boy, with wavy brunette hair hanging over his deep-set emerald-green eyes filled with determination, reveals his strong jawline and a hint of stubble. He's suited in a traditional Japanese gakuran school uniform, black in color accentuated with silver buttons arranged vertically and matching black trousers. A red armband displaying the kanji for 'student council president' adorns his left arm. Alongside him, a Middle-Eastern anime-style girl stands. Her jet-black hair is tied in a neat ponytail, her onyx eyes radiating intelligence and curiosity. Dressed in a sailor fuku style school uniform, she wears a white blouse with a sailor-style collar and a pleated navy-blue skirt, complemented by a yellow bowtie. They share a serene school environment during the spring season, with cherry blossoms lightly peppering the scene.

Anime Boy En Girl: Anime boy drawn in anime art style displays wavy brunette hair, hanging messily over his deep-set emerald-green eyes that shine with determination. His features are emphasized by a strong jawline and slight stubble. He is wearing a traditional school uniform, a black Japanese gakuran with a stand-up collar, silver buttons arranged vertically and matching black trousers. A red armband with the kanji for "student council president" wraps his left arm. An anime girl is beside him, her jet black hair tied into a ponytail, her onyx eyes intelligent and inquisitive. She is in a sailor fuku style school uniform, a white blouse with a sailor-style collar, a pleated navy-blue skirt with a yellow bowtie. They are in a school scene during spring with cherry blossoms raining down on them.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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