Anime Girl Red: Visualize an anime girl drawn in anime art style, her electric-red curls held back by a delicate headband studded with small diamonds. Sporting impassioned violet eyes, she maintains an unwavering, seductive gaze. She is decked out in a pleated red and black, corset-style dress that ends mid-thigh, complemented with knee-high lace-up boots that help display her tall, statuesque stature.

Anime Girl Red: Visualize an anime girl drawn in anime art style, her electric-red curls held back by a delicate headband studded with small diamonds. Sporting impassioned violet eyes, she maintains an unwavering, seductive gaze. She is decked out in a pleated red and black, corset-style dress that ends mid-thigh, complemented with knee-high lace-up boots that help display her tall, statuesque stature.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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