Anime Boy Transparent: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, his aura emanates an unmatched tranquility. His hair is a gentle blend of silver and white, looking like spun moonlight, and falls to his shoulders in soft waves. His ocean-blue eyes are contemplative, as if holding untold stories within them. Set against a transparent backdrop of a star-spangled night sky over an endless sea. His outfit is a simple, loose white tunic belted at the waist, paired with wide-legged navy blue trousers that rustle with his every movement. Barefoot, his image feels incredibly grounding. A moonstone pendant glows softly around his neck, synchronising perfectly with his celestial backdrop and peaceful demeanour.

Depict an adolescent male character portrayed in typical Japanese animation style. The character's aura radiates an unparalleled sense of calmness. He has a delicate blend of silver and white hair that resembles moonlight, cascading down to his shoulders in soft waves. His eyes are a deep shade of ocean blue, suggesting a profound depth of inner reflection, as if harbouring untold narratives. He stands against the ethereal backdrop of a star-filled night sky over an expansive sea. His attire is a simple, flowing white tunic cinched at the waist, complemented by wide-legged navy-blue trousers that flutter with each movement. He stands barefoot, lending him an earthy, grounded appearance. A softly glowing moonstone pendant adorns his neck, melding seamlessly with his celestial background and serene disposition.

Depict an adolescent male character portrayed in typical Japanese animation style. The character's aura radiates an unparalleled sense of calmness. He has a delicate blend of silver and white hair that resembles moonlight, cascading down to his shoulders in soft waves. His eyes are a deep shade of ocean blue, suggesting a profound depth of inner reflection, as if harbouring untold narratives. He stands against the ethereal backdrop of a star-filled night sky over an expansive sea. His attire is a simple, flowing white tunic cinched at the waist, complemented by wide-legged navy-blue trousers that flutter with each movement. He stands barefoot, lending him an earthy, grounded appearance. A softly glowing moonstone pendant adorns his neck, melding seamlessly with his celestial background and serene disposition.

Anime Boy Transparent: Anime boy drawn in anime art style, his aura emanates an unmatched tranquility. His hair is a gentle blend of silver and white, looking like spun moonlight, and falls to his shoulders in soft waves. His ocean-blue eyes are contemplative, as if holding untold stories within them. Set against a transparent backdrop of a star-spangled night sky over an endless sea. His outfit is a simple, loose white tunic belted at the waist, paired with wide-legged navy blue trousers that rustle with his every movement. Barefoot, his image feels incredibly grounding. A moonstone pendant glows softly around his neck, synchronising perfectly with his celestial backdrop and peaceful demeanour.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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