Anime Boy Kitsune: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with nuanced kitsune elements. The boy has a lean physique, with striking, golden mop-like hair, styled messily. His almond-shaped, captivating amethyst eyes are distinctly lined by a shadow of faint red, reminiscent of a fox's glowing gaze, only adding to his mystique. Two charming, fluffy fox ears sit atop his head, blending perfectly with his hair and twitching occasionally. His attire comprises a traditionally rich red and white colored kimono, patterned with an intricate foliage design. The sleeves of the kimono hang loose, revealing a simple, off-white yukata underneath. The outfit is finished by a pair of wooden geta sandals with hanao in matching red and a tail, ethereal and fox-like in appearance, swaying gently behind him. His setting is a rustic, ancient shrine, surrounded by a peaceful bamboo forest.

Visualize an anime boy with distinct fox-like characteristics, having a lean frame. He presents golden, mop-like hair styled chaotically and captivating, amethyst, almond-shaped eyes with tinges of faint red around the edges. Atop his head are curled pair of fluffy fox ears that match his hair color and occasionally twitch. He is dressed in a vibrant traditional kimono of red and white hues, imprinted with elaborate foliage patterns. Exposed beneath the drooping kimono sleeves is a simple, unadorned off-white yukata. Wooden geta sandals, with hanao that match his kimono, and a mystically enticing fox tail, wavering subtly behind him, complete his attire. He exists within a serene setting of an antiquated shrine, ensconced within a tranquil bamboo forest.

Visualize an anime boy with distinct fox-like characteristics, having a lean frame. He presents golden, mop-like hair styled chaotically and captivating, amethyst, almond-shaped eyes with tinges of faint red around the edges. Atop his head are curled pair of fluffy fox ears that match his hair color and occasionally twitch. He is dressed in a vibrant traditional kimono of red and white hues, imprinted with elaborate foliage patterns. Exposed beneath the drooping kimono sleeves is a simple, unadorned off-white yukata. Wooden geta sandals, with hanao that match his kimono, and a mystically enticing fox tail, wavering subtly behind him, complete his attire. He exists within a serene setting of an antiquated shrine, ensconced within a tranquil bamboo forest.

Anime Boy Kitsune: Anime boy drawn in anime art style with nuanced kitsune elements. The boy has a lean physique, with striking, golden mop-like hair, styled messily. His almond-shaped, captivating amethyst eyes are distinctly lined by a shadow of faint red, reminiscent of a fox's glowing gaze, only adding to his mystique. Two charming, fluffy fox ears sit atop his head, blending perfectly with his hair and twitching occasionally. His attire comprises a traditionally rich red and white colored kimono, patterned with an intricate foliage design. The sleeves of the kimono hang loose, revealing a simple, off-white yukata underneath. The outfit is finished by a pair of wooden geta sandals with hanao in matching red and a tail, ethereal and fox-like in appearance, swaying gently behind him. His setting is a rustic, ancient shrine, surrounded by a peaceful bamboo forest.

Art Style: Anime
Image Type: Db
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